Monday, January 18, 2010

Moving Pictures

I am taking 2 cinema classes this semester which each are requiring to watch or 'read' a combined total of at least 31 movies.  And I think I'm actually really going to love that.

I really love movies.

I actually tend to call them 'films,' but not because I think it is more appropriate or actually means anything inherently different than 'movie' (although it very well may indicate something very different), but basically because I think it makes me sound more informed or cultured.

The reason I love 'films' are because of their ability to help me feel less lost in my own life.  They remind me that I'm not crazy for the things I think and feel.

Films can display stories and characters that embody emotions and thoughts and feelings that are very real and that I have experienced in my own life.  A lot of times, when I experience these emtions or think these thoughts I tend to not really trust myself and feel as though I'm not reacting appropraitely or basically that I'm crazy.

But in films, I see stories that are real and people react in appropriate and believable ways, and the reason that is so comforting is because those characters (often but not always) react the same way I do.

And if they handle life and respond the same as me, then I guess I'm not crazy.

Or we all are.  In either case I can live with it.


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