Nick Battilana.
But you probably already knew that.
Nick is a young man who grew up in Buffalo, NY, Beaver Falls, PA, and Canton, OH. However, he still has a long way before he is "grown up," so don't expect too much from him.
Nick started blogging because a professor (and mentor and friend) had blogging as a regular part of class assignments. After a short hiatus at the end of that class, Nick began blogging recreationally and has since found a voice in this small space provided to him by Blogger (who is really Google... don't let them fool you).
Nick didn't grow up within any religious community, nor did he have many religious influences as a boy. Nick eventually found an identity as Christian and now seeks to make sense of his life and this world through that faith.
Nick is also convinced that if we tell people how much they are loved and how valuable they are then we will never have to tell them what to do and what not to do; it will come naturally.
Nick writes primarily about spirituality and some of his experiences, ultimately trying to integrate faith into life.
He's glad you're here.